PPC Overview and How to Manage A Campaign?

Posted: April 28, 2017 in "How To" Guides
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Since this internet marketing scheme was introduced in 2002, a lot of online businesses have benefited from it. Continue reading the article and you will learn more about this great Internet marketing strategy.

What is PPC?

PPC means pay-per-click. It is a kind of search engine marketing (SEM) that drives traffic to your website when a visitor clicked a paid ad you placed in search engines. While organic websites are singly relying on search engine optimization techniques to reach the top of the search engine results page, websites investing on PPC benefit from both worlds: the traffic brought by best SEO practices and paid visits from visitors.

To enter into a PPC scheme, you have to place a bid in order for your website to get a slot higher in the sponsored links of the search engine, such as Google, when somebody is searching a related or exact keywords on your website.

The visitors who clicked your paid ad will automatically be driven to your website. The burden is on you to convert those visitors into either buying what you are selling on your website or to let them submit a completed form, though. A successful PPC campaign will do the trick.

Each time your ad is clicked, a minimal fee will be collected from you by the search engine, which is very beneficial if you have a high conversion rate. If, for example, you pay the search engine a minimal fee of $2.50 and you were able to convert a single click into a $250.00 sales, you’ve won in a large margin. That is why it is crucial to manage your campaign very well. You have to perform a continuous management and maintenance, make your PPC campaign structurally organized, make it logical, and you need to have an extensive keyword research.

The more organized, logical, and extensive your PPC campaign is, the more you are likely to be given a reward by the search engine. The reward is usually in the form of a lower fee. Lesser charges for each click translates to a bigger profit on your side. But this is just the beginning.

PPC Keyword relevance

You have to understand that a successful PPC campaign is keyword-based. So, finding the right and the most relevant keywords takes a lot of time. Since you are not the only website in your industry plus a lot of relevant websites are mushrooming every day, you should have a continuous updating of the keywords you use. Remember that you are not the only one using the exact same set of keywords that you are using. Making relevant changes in a constant manner is a very logical way of maintaining a successful PPC campaign. In he long run, only the most relevant keywords could save your day.

PPC Campaign Management

Managing a PPC campaign does not entail a top-caliber manager. It only takes dedication and the integration of PPC best practices that work for you in order for it to be profitable.

All PPC campaigns boil down into these five elements: keywords, ad groups, landing pages, campaign, and ad text.

Here are some of the best PPC management campaign practices that you should embrace:

  • Create an ad group that is less cost-intensive but effective. Being effective means having a lot of conversions. An effective ad group is both coherent and integrated. It means that the other four elements of your PPC campaign is working closely or is very relevant with each other.
  • Use keyword research tools in optimizing your keywords.
  • To have a higher conversion percentage, make use of negative keywords. This lessens unwanted clicks.
  • Use the power of active verbs in your PPC campaign. Active verbs are more persuasive to read compared to passive ones.

This might sound very basic PPC knowledge, but put into practice, it can boost your PPC campaign into an all-time high.

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